Saturday, July 21, 2007

Huge slices of watermelon...

The warriors start the battle...

Ilan at the end, dripping with sweat and watermelon juice;
Aaron barely got started, and asked me to take over (and I obliged).
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Boys eating watermelon...

Ah the sweetness of summer... swimming, long days, bbq's, and of course the slurping of a fresh piece of watermelon. The seedless still aren't quite as sweet as the good-old-fashioned-pre-genetic-engineering-seeded type, but they've gotten better in recent years, and the convenience sure is worth it...

So after cutting up a watermelon, along the long side, first in half, then quarters, then eigths, Ilan proclaimed that he could eat a whole piece (which was twice the size of his head). So I did what any proud father would. I let him try. As usual, he surprised the heck out of me with his appetite, perseverance, and just all-around coolness. Aaron also did pretty well on his slice, and I devoured mine, but there's nothing unusual about that...

Slurping video below. Photos follow in the next post...

The warriors start the battle...

Ilan at the end, dripping with sweat and watermelon juice;
Aaron barely got started, and asked me to take over (and I obliged).
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Thursday, July 19, 2007

When I shake the phone, do you move?

So Aaron is just one of the sweetest children in the world. Yesterday he got a new shirt, which he was *sooooooooooooooo* excited about, but that isn't the funny part. He asked me, which I thought was very clever, if when he shook the phone (that he was talking to me on), if I moved. Well, maybe it isn't that clever because he never saw me move in the house, but he also never saw me when he was on the phone with me... Anyway, at least it was cute.

Then he tried shaking the phone to see if I moved.. :)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Why babies sleep...

I concluded today that the reason (most) babies sleep so much is not
because of any cognitive or regenerative need. It's because their
parents need them to. A child who consumed ALL of the waking (let
alone sleeping) time of its caregiver would have killed the caregiver
through exhaustion, or killed itself because the caregiver was too
exhaused/frustrated to help the child. I say this after having spent
the afternoon with my usually-pleasant daughter who we call girl-baby.
I got *nothing* else done, even to the point of having to postpone
going to the bathroom and eating...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Where to place the Mezuzot - Part II

Here is a front yard picture. My guess is "A"
since you are entering the house; but could it
be "B" since that is the path you follow?
I'll post it when I know it...

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Mezuzah placement with sliding doors?

So I've been researching where to place Mezuzot if you have sliding glass doors going to an enclosed backyard. I can't find anything that is decipherable and has a diagram illustrating my point... Sooooooooo... Here is my picture, and as soon as I get an answer from a proper halachic authority, I'll post it so Google can index it and the next person asking the same question won't have the same stress I am going through right now...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

You are not my in charger!

Aaron asserting himself in the car when Ilan tried to boss him around.