Friday, September 15, 2006

Buffalo TeraStation - Part 2.

After I was unable to reach anybody last night, I called their support number today. It said there was a hold time of one minute, and sure enough it was 18 minutes later before somebody answered the phone. This time "Jason" is helping me. He did not know the answer to my question, so I'm on hold again while he asks somebody else...

Next time he puts me on hold, I'm going to ask him to conference me.

You'd think at a company where they sell these devices, everybody on the support line would have walked through rebuilding a RAID array and paid attention to the dialog boxes.

OK, so I was instructed that the dialog box I saw was a translation error, and that it should rebuild fine, which is now seemingly what is happening. It is "Rearing" (as evidenced from the System Status - Drive Properties screen), and it should take several hours.

Apparently I've voided my warranty, which is fine, and I'll repost if the RAID rebuild worked successfully.

Is it only me, or do others think software should be easier and companies should emphasize correct translation?

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