Monday, March 16, 2009

Mirror Photography

Getting a decent shot in a mirror is always a struggle. The obvious culprit is the flash, so more often than not you just take the picture without the flash. But what if you have a point-and-shoot camera that does not have any manual controls? If you use the "No Flash" setting, you get shutter times that you can't really hand-hold; and if you use the flash setting, you get a huge reflection of light in the mirror, washing out your picture. The shot at the right was the best of about 7 attempts, some with no flash (too blurry), and others with an attempt to redirect/block the flash with varying degrees of success. Now I don't think having a glowing red finger is the best approach, but the light it throws back on my face, coupled with the relative balance of light throughout the rest of the picture, along with my daughter's expression, made this one my favorite.
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