Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What is this "Save" icon?

My children don't know what this is.

It is, of course, the Save icon from Google Docs, one of my favorite products. And my children, the oldest of whom is almost 9, have learned that this is Save, only because Daddy said so.

Why? Because until recently they never actually saw a 3.5" floppy disk. And why should they have? They save everything either in the cloud, or on their computer. I opened a box of 5.25" disks to show them, and have an 8" disk around to show them, and still a bunch of 3.5" disks, but I don't own any of the disk drives to read the aforementioned sizes. Maybe I have a USB 3.5" drive in a drawer somewhere, but haven't taken it out in years.

Anyway, point being, is it time for a new icon? Microsoft Word has the same icons. My kids have seen a USB stick, and some camera media. What is the graphical representation for "save this in the cloud". Do we need it? Isn't Google Docs autosaving all of the time anyway? :)


Maulik said...

I love that story :-)

Unknown said...

You sound like a broken record... oh wait, our kids won't know what that is either :)