Wednesday, July 07, 2010

A purple drink that isn't grape

Ahhhh, a new country, a new cuisine, and a yearning to not have diarrhea. I hope I don't jinx it, but so far so good. The spinach quiche you may recognize, but the drink is something entirely new, called Chicha Morada, which is prepared from purple corn. It's served cold, and was really quite refreshing.

Today started with a taxi ride to our new hotel, then a quick walkabout through the city. We did what you're never supposed to do, which is eat from a street vendor. It was only sliced pineapple, and it was worth it. And, as I write this days later, it didn't disagree with me at all.

We then took the top-rated tourist attraction on tripadvisor, which was a bicycle tour of Lima, led by Franco. Imagine riding a bicycle in a city where stop signs are regularly ignored and then going AGAINST TRAFFIC in a traffic circle. It was, in a word, perilous, but at the end of it we seemed no worse for wear, got a bit of exercise, and saw some pretty parts of Lima. The day ended with a briefing from our tour leader, Daniel, for all of us on the tour. Two Americans (Paul-Marcel and myself), 3 Irish, 2 Danes, 1 French. A few of us then went out for dinner, and then back to the hotel to get some sleep before the next day's activities...
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