Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Being Googley

My wife just told me that the reason the music teacher is leaving our son's preschool is because of a disagreement with the principal. I've heard both sides of the story and honestly I believe neither. At the end of the day, the children really like this music teacher, so why can't they focus on that and work things out. The differences, as I understood them, seemed trivial.

Focusing on the user. Think about it.

People at work (Google) are nice. Really nice. We sort things out. There are politics, like everywhere else, but a lot less politics, and we don't let egos/titles/positions get in the way of things. We just focus on the user, solving problems and trying to delight them whenever possible. I know it sounds hokey, but its true. So I'm thinking maybe we need to appeal to the masses. Write a book about "Being Googley". Understanding what it means and how it can just maybe help people get along a little better...

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