Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wipeout, but don't let it interrupt your golf game.

I bike to work most days. It's 17.7 miles, and I was trying to break an hour. I started out Friday morning about 5:30 AM and was making pretty good time until I took a turn too fast on some wet pavement (from the sprinklers) and wiped out.

I didn't move for a couple of seconds. I was going really fast. I slowly got up, clearly hurt, and glanced over to see four golfers about 30 feet away from me, still continuing their game. They glanced at me, but didn't ask if I was alright, or come over to see anything. My arm was bleeding; I had flown off the bike, and as I staggered up I fell back down again on the grass.

These guys continued with their game.

How can some people so selfish & self-absorbed
they can watch another human being get hurt
and not stop to see if they are alright?

An older guy much farther away called over to me to see if I was OK. I told him yes, I think so. I sat down on the wet grass inspecting myself for a minute. I hit my head also (I was wearing a helmet), and now have a bruise there. My arm is torn (like a terrible burn) on the forearm and the tricep; its wrapped now in Neosporin and gauze and an ace -bandage.

If you ever see somebody get hurt. Please stop to check on them.

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